Bible Stories for Kids-Esther the Brave Queen

Esther the Brave Queen: A Story of Courage, Faith, and Kindness

Directions for Young Readers:

Welcome, young friends, to the inspiring tale of Esther, a courageous young woman who dared to stand up for her people in the grand kingdom of Persia. As you read, you’ll discover the power of bravery, kindness, and faithfulness. At the end of this story, there’s a special question just for you. Let’s dive in!

Esther the brave queen

The Story:

Long ago, in the magnificent kingdom of Persia, a young woman named Esther lived a quiet and humble life. Esther had faced many challenges early on—she was an orphan, but her kind and wise cousin, Mordecai, cared for her as if she were his own daughter.

At this time, King Xerxes ruled over Persia, a vast kingdom filled with splendor and wealth. One day, the king decided it was time to find a new queen. He sent out a decree inviting young women from across the kingdom to his palace, where he would choose his queen.

Esther was among those chosen to go to the palace. Though she was nervous, she trusted God to guide her. Esther’s gentle spirit and kind heart won the favor of everyone she met, including King Xerxes. Before long, Esther was crowned queen of Persia. However, she kept a secret—she was Jewish, one of God’s chosen people, as Mordecai had advised her not to reveal this for her safety.

While Esther was settling into her new role,

trouble was brewing in the kingdom. Haman, a proud and powerful official in King Xerxes’ court, demanded that everyone bow down to him. Mordecai, however, refused. Mordecai explained that he would only bow down to God and no one else. This enraged Haman. Filled with anger, Haman plotted a terrible plan—he convinced King Xerxes to issue a decree that all the Jewish people in the kingdom should be killed.

When Mordecai learned about this dreadful plan, he was heartbroken. He tore his clothes, put on sackcloth, and cried out for mercy. Mordecai sent a message to Queen Esther, urging her to go to the king and beg for the lives of her people.

But she faced a serious challenge. In those days, no one—not even the queen—could approach the king without being summoned. Doing so could mean death unless the king extended his golden scepter. Esther was terrified. How could she risk her own life? Yet, Mordecai’s words gave her strength. He told her, “Who knows but that you have come to your royal position for such a time as this?”

Realizing the importance of her role, She decided to act. She asked Mordecai and the Jewish people to fast and pray with her for three days. During this time, she prayed for courage and wisdom.

On the third day, she put on her royal robes and went to the king’s throne room. When King Xerxes saw her, he was pleased and extended his golden scepter. Esther’s heart filled with relief and gratitude. The king asked her, “What is it, Queen Esther? What is your request? Even up to half the kingdom, it will be given to you.”

Instead of revealing everything at once, Esther invited the king and Haman to a special banquet she had prepared. During the banquet, the king asked again what she wanted. Esther invited them to a second banquet the following day.

At the second banquet, Queen Esther finally revealed her secret. With courage in her voice, she said, “If I have found favor with you, Your Majesty, and if it pleases you, grant me my life—this is my petition. And spare my people—this is my request. For I and my people have been sold to be destroyed, killed, and annihilated.”

The king was shocked. “Who is he? Where is the man who has dared to do such a thing?” he demanded.

Esther pointed to Haman and said, “This vile man, Haman!” The king’s anger blazed. He ordered that Haman be punished, and the decree against the Jewish people was overturned. Thanks to Esther’s bravery and faithfulness, the Jewish people were saved, and a great celebration took place throughout the land.


What did Esther do when she learned about Haman’s plan to destroy her people?


When she discovered Haman’s evil plan, she didn’t stay silent. She bravely approached the king, revealed the truth, and saved her people.


As we end this incredible story of Esther, the brave queen, let us remember her courage, kindness, and unwavering faith. Like her, we, too, can make a difference when we stand up for what is right and trust in God’s plan. No matter how big or small, your actions can bring hope and change to the world. Amen.

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